Benjamin Merle

Benjamin Merle

Chief Product Officer

Als Chief Product Officer verantwortet Benjamin seit 2020 die Produktentwicklung und Energiemarktthemen bei Enpal. Zuvor baute er den deutschen Standort von Aurora Energy Research auf, einer datengetriebenen Energiemarktberatung aus Oxford, und war Berater bei McKinsey. Er studierte International Business Administration an der Erasmus University in Rotterdam und Environmental Change and Management an der University of Oxford.

As Chief Product Officer, Benjamin has been overseeing product development and energy market topics at Enpal since 2020. Prior to this, he founded the German office of Aurora Energy Research, a data-driven energy market consultancy based in Oxford, and worked as a consultant at McKinsey. Benjamin holds a degree in International Business Administration from Erasmus University in Rotterdam and a master’s in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford.